Subject: A poem to a close, dear friend.. Author: Ben Klaehn ( Uploaded By: UNCoNeCTD Date: 5/12/1998 File: TOGETHER.TXT (1956 bytes) Estimated Download Time (23638 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1096 Equipment: Whatever got you here Needs: Text Reader/Word Processor ***This file was checked for viruses using PC-cillin 95*** This is a "memory" poem that I wrote to my dear friend, Missy, showing her just how much I appreciate her for everything that she's done for me over the years. It is also expressing how deep my love and care flows for her. She is the greatest friend I have ever had, and nothing will ever chage it. Missy...I won't ever forget you. You are my heart and soul, and you will be in my heart forever.